Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting Started Writing Your Stories

I cannot tell you how many times I speak to people and the "just can't get started" writing or creating their stories.

Call it Writers Block or whatever you want. It can be a show stopper - even before the show gets started.

So, to address this problem we have some suggestions.

We cover these topics in our Writers' Guide (just e-mail me and I will send it to you) as well as in our workshops.

Please note that one solution may not work for everyone and we are happy to help out anyone who has this problem.

Anyway, my first (and most popular) suggestion is to get something to write on - it doesn't really matter what since we are going to use it as scrap - like a piece of paper, a used envelop, piece of wood, wall, garage floor - you get the picture.

Then, once you have your writing surface prepared and your writing instrument, ask youself a couple simple questions:

- What Life Experience comes to mind when you read the following groups of words. Don't "think" too much, just write what pops into your head. There is no right or wrong answer here, this is only an excercise:
1.) First Kiss

Okay, write what came into your mind

2.) Car


3.) Food


4.) Song

Keep Going!

5.) Inspiration

Try it.

6.) Color


Once you have all 6 of these done to some degree, go through them all and find the one that really grabs you and dive down into more and more details with each. Write short sentences.

Leave good spacing between the sentences you write (you will be going back and building on what you write - I assure you).

Keep the flow working this way. Jump from one to the next if you want.

Get lost in your thoughts and memories you are capturing.

And, look for more postings on this topic.


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